Fiona Couper-Smith BSc Biology, MSc, Dip. IIHHT, Dip. IIST.
Fiona is a Bermudian with over 26 years experience as a
holistic health practitioner.
Trained in Wales and England in various Massage disciplines, Reflexology, Hot Stone massage, Reiki and Emotional Freeing Techniques and EmoTrance.
Further training was completed with Mrs Ann Gillianders, an internationally recognised reflexologist from the British School of Reflexology. Workshops included women's health, pregnancy,
cancer support and the intestinal link.

Fiona is passionate about the many benefits of incorporating
living foods into a balanced diet to enhance the immune system
and health from within.
Trained with Karen Knowler of the Fresh Network UK and has
attended courses on raw food preparation, juicing and
sprouting at the Raw Food Institute, Connecticut and
at the Hippocrates Health Institute, Florida.